Benefits of Basti

panchakarma center in Viman Nagar

panchakarma center in Viman Nagar

Puro Health is the best Ayurveda & panchakarma center in Viman Nagar and provides various treatments to patients suffering from chronic diseases. panchakarma center in Viman Nagar panchakarma center in Viman Nagarpanchakarma center in Viman Nagar

Basti Karma mentioned in Ayurvedic classics is having broad therapeutic action on almost all the tissues of the body and have rejuventive , curative, preventive and health promotive actions.
Basti Karma is broadly divided in two types according to the consistency of the drugs Sneha Basti(Anuvasan) and Niruha Basti (Aasthaapana)
In Sneha Basti/ Anuvasan Basti medicated Oil/ Ghee, lipids are used, word Anuvasan indicates “To stay”, the administrated medicines stay inside for a longer duration, but still do not cause any untoward problem.
In Niruha Basti/ Aasthaapana Basti, decoction of medicinal plants is the main content wherein other ingredients like honey, salt, lipids & other drugs are incorporated to form a colloid or a suspension.
Niruha, indicates to eliminate morbid Doshas or Disease from body& its synonym word “Asthapan” indicates “establish life span & age.

The medicated oil or herbal decoction is administered through the anal route in Basti.
Basti is useful in the diseases occured due to vitiated Vata, problems of muscles and bones.
Diseases affecting the whole body eg. Rheumatoid arthritis and localized diseases e.g. Sciatica, Spondylosis.
Digestive tract problems like abdominal pain due to gas, Constipation, Ulcerative colitis etc, retention of flatus, urine or stool.
Muscle atrophy, dystrophy.
Nervous disorders or Neurological problems (vatavyadhi) like Hemiplegia, Parkinsonism, Sciatica, Motor Neuron disease.
Heart problems like Palpitation, Angina pectoris.
Bronchial Asthama, Dry cough, Hiccough
Menstrual disorders, Infertility, Oligozoospermia.
Basti is recommended for all types of Vata dominant conditions where pain & stiffness are the main features.

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